Thursday, May 27, 2010


Hey there. :D I haven't posed anything in...forever. So...yup.

You wanna know what my shirt says? :D I'll tell you anyway.

"Jack & Jill raced up the hill to see is he could win, BIG mistake. Girls dominate."

I can't go swimming tomorrow. :/ It's not fair. Ah well...
OMG. We're having a karaoke day on Tuesday. :DDDD This is going to be so fun. XD

So, this is what I got planned for this weekend:
Friday - go to mom's shop at noon with Anna (cousin)
Saturday - Go to the dentist, go to the book store
Sunday -
Monday -

Oh yeah. Awesomeness. :P

Not sure what to do now, so I'm going to the internet. :)


Sunday, May 2, 2010


Chris is nice. And pretty. Yes, Chris is a girl. :P She went to prom with my brother.

Anyway... Happy Birthday Michael!!! <33
I should go find him and wish him a happy birthday...

I haven't updated this blog in awhile, so now that I have free time and nothing to do, I'll just update it now. If I was social, I probably wouldn't, but I'm not, so I am. Exciting, huh? :P

So... I'm listening to little children sing. They are very out of tune, but it's...cute. I guess.

Ah, Lauren. You are kind of annoying. But whatever.

These little kids on their bikes are so cute. Thanh Linh and Krissy are really pretty. And there is Michael. :)

Dang. My dad is still cleaning. Sigh.

I'm bored. I think I'll leave you alone now. Laters.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Leave Out All The Rest


I love that song. We're singing for our concert in May. :) Of course, it's an octave higher, and it was made into two parts, but still. :)

Anyway... I thought I would write something since I haven't in a while.

History class is a pain in the ass. Why the fuck would she give us all of this work and expect us to finish it?! She is a freaking crazy lady.

Dude, I swear, there is a bug in this room biting me. :/ OMG. It just flew in my face.

I need some new music. Ew. My thighs were being all jiggly. Who knows how to get rid of the fat right there? Anyone?

I'm out of things to ramble about.

So, I'll leave you alone now. Laters.


P.S. Nooooo. I'm not lying. Why would admit to something that I'm not even doing? Ooh. I tried writing MW today, but my brain failed. So, another time. Possibly tomorrow. :)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

21 Guns

Green Day. :)

I just opened the window to let some light in. It's so pretty today. :) It's the perfect weather for the spring. Though, I wish the wind would blow a little less. Other than that, a perfect day to go outside and play. :)

And yet, I am inside. :P

I have to go to school early for contest tomorrow. *dies* Maybe it won't be too bad...

I have no idea what to say. I wanted to blog, but now I have nothing to talk about. It's terrible.

I'll just leave you a pretty picture and sneak off. Sounds like a plan. :)


P.S. I am not lying to myself. Geezers.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Just The Girl

By: The Click Five

Hmm. I haven't updated in...8 days. It's strange. So I shall update now while I shovel ice cream into my mouth. :)

OMG. After reading these lyrics, I was hit with a sudden idea. :D Ooh. Now to make sure I can still carry out my idea...

Aw... I don't think I'll be able to finish in time... :( Oh well. I'll write it anyway, since I have already started it. I just have to change the plot around. Whatever the plot is...


Anyway... I think I'll make this a short post.

I'm thinking about making a collage. I just don't know of what. So...ideas? Yes?

I thought today was Thursday...but it's really Thursday. Why can't it be Thursday? :(

I think I'm done... If I have anything else to say I always have Twitter and Tumblr. :)



Love you too. <3

P.P.S. I need new socks. My left sock has a hole in it. :/

Monday, March 15, 2010


By Coldplay. I love the piano on this... I'm going to learn how to play that one day. Just remind me to learn it.

Let me tell you about my lovely experience at the post office today!

Today, I had to go to the post office to get my passport renewed. When we got there, it was packed. People were standing against the walls waiting for their turn. I nearly cried.

We had to fill out those ugly, long, boring forms that took like, 30 minutes. Then for the remainder of the 2 hours, we sat there and waited and waited and waited. FINALLY, after FOREVER, it was our turn. My picture came out awful. It was hideous. Ugh. I look terrible in pictures. I look better in RL.

OOH. I get to dye my hair! :DDD I'm going to dye it brown. Oh, and I'm going to cut it short. I'll take a picture when I do. :)

My hair may be pretty, but it's too thick for my liking. It makes it look...blah.

I look prettier without my glasses. My looks bigger.

Anyway... After the post office, We went out to eat. (My mom, dad, brother, and I.) My food was too...sweet. I wanted to gag. But I swallowed it down. The shrimp was pretty good though.

After that, I had to spend another 30 minutes waiting for my mom and dad to pay for the plane tickets. Oh, you don't know where I'm going this summer? Jeebus you're late.

I'm going to Vietnam this June for vacation. :) Yes, I realize that I'll be leaving my computer, internet, and anything else here. :'( But I get to visit my family. :) I haven't seen them in 7 years! My brother has never seen them! It's time to visit. My grandpas already died. I cried so much and I only met them once. I realize that I cry over everything, but still. My mother's mom is already 96. My dad's mom is 80 something.

TIGER! Tiger is a yellow tiger that came from a claw machine. *nods* He's awesome.

OH. I went grocery shopping with my mom after the plane ticket business. It was rather boring, but we did get junk food. :) It was lovely.

Well. Today was long. I am tired, but I don't want to nap. So I'm blogging while everyone else goes and...haves a life. Or watches TV.

Alright. I think this is it for today. Though, I have been rather lonely since yesterday. Everyone went...bye bye. :(



Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I Sit Here and Think, "What the Shit?"

I feel like writing something sad. Why? I just feel like it.

Don't you miss the good old days? Where you are in elementary school and playing at recess? I do. Those were fun times. But those were also the days where I thought growing up and being one of the big kids would be fun. I've grown out of that thought.

Sure, growing up has it's perks, but wouldn't just love to be free and young again? To not have to worry about the stress of dating, peer pressure, etc.

But you are going to have to grow up. And so far, it's not where I absolutely hate it. I heard so many things, I just don't want to go through it all. I know I'm going to have to, so I'll just have to suck it up.

I don't like making decisions. I can't even decide what I want for dinner when we go out to eat. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I don't know what college I'm going to go to. I don't know what I'm going to do about my future. I don't even know if I'll be alive long enough to have a future.

Just to clear this shit up, I don't believe in all of the 2012 crap.

I swear, my brother is playing some game with rainbows... O.o Should I be scare? I am anyway.

...I'm going to sneak away now...


P.S. Zee, Monkeys are way better than chimps. True story.